The Family Corner
Providers Partnering with Families
Introducing the Family Corner!
This column is a resource that providers can share with their community. EPCC wants to empower providers to build strong relationships with their families. Our goal is for the important adults in the child’s life to be “on the same page” in support of each child. This column includes information, resources, tips, links to useful websites, and suggestions for family education and engagement activities.
How Providers and Families Can Partner with Each Other
Family engagement is the number one predictor of child success – it’s never too early, or too late, for families to partner with providers. The US Department of Health and Human Services says that family engagement is “The systematic inclusion of families in activities and programs that promote children’s development, learning, and wellness . . . Families are seen as essential partners.”
“The whole child is supported when families and providers work together. There is an element of wrap-around care when families and providers partner for the benefit of the child. In addition to academic support, programs provide nutrition, access to mental health community resources, behavioral guidance, and can contribute to individual education plans. The more any provider knows and understands about a child’s family life, the better they can create a program that cares for and meets each child’s specific needs.”
Family-provider partnerships have been found to support social emotional development, which is an essential foundation for all other learning. When children self-regulate, they are able to attend to a task and they’re ready to learn, which can reduce behavior challenges. Effective communication between families and providers opens the door for conversations that can help both the provider and the family understand the child’s needs. When children see that their family adults are connected to their preschool program, school experiences become valuable and worthwhile.
A few tips to increase the family-provider partnership are:
Ensure two-way, on-going communication via newsletters or apps such as CuraCubby, Famly, or BrightWheel.
Invite families to join program activities such as reading stories, sharing a hobby, skill, or talent.
Develop kits of take-home activities that replicate classroom experiences, such as journaling, dramatic play, or ideas for family outings.
Host family-fun events such as pizza night, fall fun afternoon, or pancake breakfast.
This article is part of our Newsletter 2024 Issue 1. See all articles.