Alumni’s Anecdote
EPCC Summer Retreat, Mercy Center, July 11-15, 2024
I had the opportunity through an Alumni Invitation to attend the EPCC Summer 2024 Retreat. The location was in Auburn, California at the Mercy Center. It was exciting to see old friends and make new friends.
I became involved with EPCC in the early ‘90’s. At that time, the name was Non-Violence in the Lives of Children. I went through their trainings, held at California State University, Fresno. Their teachings served me well throughout my early learning professional career and in my personal life. In fact, those teachings continue to influence my daily interactions.
The three-day retreat was well organized and planned with mind-stretching work, relaxing walks, shared self-insight, meals provided, self-quiet time, and with consensus, purposeful direction to achieve outcomes.
For myself, the one very exciting opportunity I received was to view and hear about the Level1/Core Training revision updates. As I reviewed the draft I connected to several known topics from my previous training, though the real excitement was having my mind peaked by the new content. EPCC members took the time to orient me. I sincerely encourage you to experience the Level 1/Core Training when it becomes available.
In closing, I just received a few days ago the twenty-six pages of minutes taken at the retreat with visuals. Yes, it was an entertaining, engaging, and a learning experience. Thank you, EPCC. For the invite.
Sally Rowden
Retired Early Learning Professional
New Member of EPCC
Working session at EPCC Retreat, Joyce is reading to the group and those on Zoom
This article is part of our Newsletter 2024 Issue 3. See all articles.